Valentines day classroom decorations distance learning decor for home

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Valentine's Day Stickers, Printables, DIY Projects & FUN!

Celebrate friendship and spread Valentine’s vibes from the heart! Decorate candy dishes, create heart garland, door décor, and centerpieces for home, work, or the classroom. Invite kids to create crafts, card boxes for Valentine's Day parties, handmade cards, and photo-frame gifts. Made in USA.

T6306 Stickers Sparkle Shimmer Hearts

Shimmering Hearts Sparkle Stickers®


Sparkle Stickers®

SKU T6306

These little sparklers are always a big hit! Just the right size to put on homework, reward good behavior, and add cheer. Fun assortment in each pa...

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T46072 Stickers Chart Red Hearts

Red Hearts superShapes Stickers


superShapes Stickers

SKU T46072

Make rewards extra special with popular, little, fun-shaped stickers! Perfect for Incentive Charts & Pads, notes, awards, and art projects too....

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T46918 Sticker Chart Value Pack Heart Smiles

Heart Smiles superShapes Stickers Value Pack


superShapes Stickers Value Pack

SKU T46918

superShapes Stickers packs are perfect for any occasion. Sized just right for Incentive Charts and Pads. Ages 3 & up Acid free, nontoxic, and...

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T46080 Stickers Chart Heart Smiles

Heart Smiles superShapes Stickers


superShapes Stickers

SKU T46080

Make rewards extra special with popular, little, fun-shaped stickers! Perfect for Incentive Charts & Pads, notes, awards, and art projects too....

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T63303 Stickers Sparkle Proud Hearts

Proud Hearts Sparkle Stickers® – Large


Sparkle Stickers® – Large

SKU T63303

Inspire big smiles with sparkling sticker favorites! Motivate and reward progress, decorate folders, journals, scrapbooks ... and any project. Fun ...

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