Valentines day classroom decorations distance learning decor for home

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Valentine's Day Stickers, Printables, DIY Projects & FUN!

Celebrate friendship and spread Valentine’s vibes from the heart! Decorate candy dishes, create heart garland, door décor, and centerpieces for home, work, or the classroom. Invite kids to create crafts, card boxes for Valentine's Day parties, handmade cards, and photo-frame gifts. Made in USA.

T92852 Border Trimmer Zebra Fur Pink

Zebra Pink Terrific Trimmers®


Terrific Trimmers®

SKU T92852

Vibrant designs for inspired learning spaces! Use individually or layer patterns on solids, sparkles, or metallics to engage and delight. Showcase ...

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T77033 Library Pockets Leopard Pink
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Leopard Pink Terrific Pockets™


Terrific Pockets™

SKU T77033

Fun & functional! Just right for holding a generous stack of cards, including Pocket Flash Cards. Use for classroom helper charts, library cent...

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T92846 Border Trimmer Leopard Fur Pink

Leopard Pink Terrific Trimmers®


Terrific Trimmers®

SKU T92846

Vibrant designs for inspired learning spaces! Use individually or layer patterns on solids, sparkles, or metallics to engage and delight. Showcase ...

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T77014 Library Pockets Zebra
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Zebra Terrific Pockets™


Terrific Pockets™

SKU T77014

Fun & functional! Just right for holding a generous stack of cards, including Pocket Flash Cards. Use for classroom helper charts, library cent...

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T77035 Library Pockets Leopard White
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Leopard White Terrific Pockets™


Terrific Pockets™

SKU T77035

Fun & functional! Just right for holding a generous stack of cards, including Pocket Flash Cards. Use for classroom helper charts, library cent...

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T63354 Stickers Sparkle Llama Llove

Llama Llove Sparkle Stickers® – Large


Sparkle Stickers® – Large

SKU T63354

Inspire big smiles with sparkling sticker favorites! Motivate and reward progress, decorate folders, journals, scrapbooks ... and any project. Fun ...

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