Presidents' Day classroom decorations distance learning decor

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Presidents' Day Classroom Décor

Celebrate the presidents of the USA with stately décor in red, white, and blue! Create classroom displays featuring all 45 presidents, and host a presidential party with patriotic crafts, banners, and signs. Mix, match, and layer patriotic colors and patterns for unique displays. Made in USA.

T63303 Stickers Sparkle Proud Hearts

Proud Hearts Sparkle Stickers® – Large


Sparkle Stickers® – Large

SKU T63303

Inspire big smiles with sparkling sticker favorites! Motivate and reward progress, decorate folders, journals, scrapbooks ... and any project. Fun ...

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T46176 Stickers Chart Patriotic Symbols

Patriotic Symbols superSpots® Stickers


superSpots® Stickers

SKU T46176

Perfect for tracking progress on Incentive Charts & Pads, and spotlighting success. Add pizzazz to graphs, journals, invitations, and more. Spe...

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T91410 Border Trimmer Red Sparkle

Red Terrific Trimmers® – Sparkle


Terrific Trimmers® – Sparkle

SKU T91410

Vibrant, sparkling colors for inspired learning spaces! Use individually or layer patterns on solids, sparkles, or metallics to engage and delight....

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