Paper May Day Bouquet DIY



Spark joy for neighbors, friends, and loved ones with a surprise Paper May Day Bouquet you can leave at their door. Using accents and stickers from the Good to Grow Collection, you can create multiple DIY paper flower bouquets that can be gifted for May Day, Mother’s Day, Teacher Appreciation, Earth Day, birthdays, and more.


  1. Create Paper Cone

    Start by creating a paper cone using 8.5 by 11-inch cardstock. Holding the paper horizontally, use scissors to round the top (long) edge. The shape doesn’t need to be precise.

    Next, roll the right edge of the paper inward to start forming your cone shape. Place your fingers toward the bottom edge as you roll so that the top of the cone flares out.

    Once you like the shape, unroll the paper, and add strong double-sided tape (or other adhesive of choice) to the final rolled edges of the paper. Roll the cone back up ensuring the edges are secured well.

  2. Assemble Base

    Next, create the foundation of your bouquet using sturdy foam. Trim the foam into a circular shape that will fit at least halfway down into the paper cone.

    Then, press the floral wire stems (or wooden skewers) into the foam as the ‘stems’ for your flowers and gifts. If using wire, push the stems through the foam and out the other end, bending a bit of wire at the bottom to keep it in place.

    Be sure to space out your stems so you have room for all your attached items.

  3. Add Flowers & Gifts

    Next, prepare your attached items. We’re using two flower accents and one bee accent from our Good to Grow Collection, and we’ll be gifting a pack of stickers. Attach the bee to one of the flowers using a small piece of doubled-sided tape.

    Then, trim the floral stems to your desired height and attach your items to the stems using tape.

  4. Prepare to Hang

    Remove the flowers & gifts to get the paper cone ready to hang. Using a hole punch, add a hole to both sides of the paper cone where you want to attach your ribbon.

    Take your ribbon and feed one side through one of the holes, tying a knot on the inside to keep it from slipping though. Repeat this knot on the other side with the other end of the ribbon.

  5. Add Final Touches

    Place the items back into the cone and cover up the foam using green tissue paper.

    If it seems like the items are going to tip over, add some rocks or other heavy objects on top of the foam to keep it in place. Then add your tissue paper.

    That’s it! You’re ready to deliver these DIY Paper May Day Bouquets to neighbors, friends, and loved ones.

©TREND enterprises, Inc. DIY217