Bee theme classroom bulletin board decorations and stickers

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Bee Theme Classroom Décor

Mix and match black and yellow trimmers, pockets, charts, and accents for a décor theme to buzz about. Make bee-themed birthday parties and displays in classrooms, offices, and community centers. Add stickers to invitations, tablecloths, party cups, and in party favor bags. Made in USA.


Bees Mini Accents Variety Pack


Mini Accents Variety Pack

SKU T10711

Energize spaces with fun, engaging designs! Ideal for marking calendar days, sorting, patterning, graphing, labeling, accenting displays, creating ...

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Busy Bees Classic Accents® Variety Pack


Classic Accents® Variety Pack

SKU T10622

So many ways to inspire, motivate & create! Playful bee accents brighten displays, word walls, centers, lockers, and announcements. Use for pat...

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T63031 Stickers Sparkle Bumblebees

Buzzing Bumblebees Sparkle Stickers®


Sparkle Stickers®

SKU T63031

These little sparklers are always a big hit! Just the right size to put on homework, reward good behavior, and add cheer. Fun assortment in each pa...

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T46168 Stickers Chart Bees Buzz

Bees Buzz superSpots® Stickers


superSpots® Stickers

SKU T46168

Perfect for tracking progress on Incentive Charts & Pads, and spotlighting success. Add pizzazz to graphs, journals, invitations, and more. Spe...

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