I ♥ Metal™ Mindset How Do You Change Yours? Bulletin Board Idea

Bulletin Board Idea

SKU D8427

Practice positive self-talk and learn growth mindset strategies.

  • Create the display as shown, using Ready Letters® to spell out “How Do You” above the “Change Your Words Change Your Mindset” piece. Ask students how they think changing their mindset and self-talk can help them succeed, then invite them to try it.
  • Students keep a log of learning experiences for the next several days, noting when they felt successful and times when they felt stuck. Ask them to think about what messages they told themselves at those times. Were they positive or negative? How might the tone of their self-talk help or hurt their progress? Point out examples of when a positive mindset helps encourage persistence and focus.
  • Using two fixed and two growth mindset signs from the set as a starting point, hang them on the display. Students add their own growth mindset phrases based on their experiences. Repeat the activity using all of the signs from the set. Keep the display up for a great year-round reminder of ways kids can change their words to change their mindsets...and succeed!

©TREND enterprises, Inc.  8427


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    I ♥ Metal™ Mindset Bulletin Board Idea